The Art of Smiling

art of smiling

Smiling is a great gesture.

Frequently we undervalue the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the power to turn a life around.

There isn’t any art behind it. You were born to be happy, and you can show this happiness with your beautiful smile. Let’s see it. To some extent, we all know how to spot an honest smile, basically this formula:

An honest smile is equal to wrinkled eyes.

We’re all sensitive to this honest, so why then is it that when we meet a stranger or casual acquaintance in the elevator, we give them a fake smile? That well-mannered smile. You know what I’m talking about.

A smile is so simple, yet so powerful. Some obvious effects of expressing your internal joy are:

  1. People will be attracted to you: I don’t mean sexually but people will feel attracted to your energy. When you smile more, you’ll carry an aura that’ll draw people to you. People will want to be around you, knowing only that they feel great. We all like and want to be around happy and cheerful people.
  2. Optimistic: You’ll feel more positive about yourself and the world.
  3. Happiness and joy: A smile is an appearance of happiness and joy in you. Like a rising spiral, a smile will boost the happiness you feel.
  4. Healthy: A smile can affect your inside state, which can have an impact on your physical and mental health.
  5. Approachable: A smile is so welcoming and will make people feel more at ease.
  6. Making other people happy: A smile has the power to make other people feel good about themselves. It has the power to cheer up others instantly.
  7. Smiles are contagious: Others can quickly and easily catch it and will experience the above side effects.

The lesson? Smile with your eyes! Feel it sincerely and it’ll come out naturally.

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