The Gita for Children

The Gita, that's part of the Indian epic Mahabharata, with its profound philosophical teachings, can be simplified and adapted to make it more accessible and enjoyable for children. Here are some key concepts from the ancient scripture that can be presented in a child-friendly manner: Duty and righteousness: Explain to them the pure and true … Continue reading The Gita for Children

Do Muslims Really Do the Opposite of Hindus?

In this blog post, I want to try to debunk the irrational debate that Muslims do the opposite of Hindus. Let’s decode the myth of opposite belief systems. With the 42nd amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. However, neither India’s constitution nor its laws define the relationship between religion … Continue reading Do Muslims Really Do the Opposite of Hindus?

Hinduism Isn’t a Religion but a Way of Life; a Path to Religion

I've explained in detail about religion, it's the essence, relevance, misuse, and misinterpretation, in my previous blog post. In this post, let us understand the meaning, genesis, essence of Hinduism. This is from my point-of-view after reading various ancient scriptures, understanding and limited knowledge of the subject. Origin and meaning of Hinduism The term Hindu … Continue reading Hinduism Isn’t a Religion but a Way of Life; a Path to Religion