Bhagavad Gita Over a Coffee

bhagavad gita

The Bhagavad Gita is the discourse that takes place between Lord Krishna and Arjun before the start of the great Mahabharata war. The wisdom by Lord Krishna assisted change Arjun’s viewpoint about life and, thus, his life route. While the scripture is many centuries old, the logic and knowledge intrinsic in its every word, make it an eternal guide.

The 700 verses, arranged in 18 chapters, are a conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna before the battle begins. The battle signifies the ethical and moral struggles of human life.

Understanding the guiding values of the Bhagavad Gita can help us gain a profound vision into the questions of life. And, integrating the teachings of the scripture into our lives will inspire the habit of self-inquiry and guide us towards adopting a realistic approach to life.

The Bhagavad Gita is a classic scripture that has the responses to all our problems. It was considered a spiritual guide by Mahatma Gandhi. It’s a book of motivation for many leaders of the world.

It begins with the understanding of dharma and progresses into various topics like body, mind, soul, time, cause, and effect, moral and political philosophy, justice, etc that are relevant to daily life.

This e-book attempts to provide one-liners of each chapter, a brief overview, and few select verses to help you apply the teachings in daily life.

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